Monday, February 21, 2011

Simple Saturday Projects

You know all of those little things you want to do, but never get to because you are so busy doing all the big projects...  Well this weekend, I tackled a few small, simple projects.

For the last 8 months, Seth and I have been living with a very dark hallway.  So, a quick trip to Lowes and we now have this...
A lit hallway!  We can finally find coats, hats, and toilet paper with much less hassle.

Also, one of our storm doors used to look like this...
And now looks like this...

By simply removing that silly metal piece, the door looks so much better.  And we can now properly clean the door (no more puppy smears!).  We do plan on replacing the storm doors at some point, but this alone is a big improvement.

We also picked up a big mirror at Target, so that this...
Now looks like this...
I am so in love with this.  Its big!  And Silver!  And Centered!  Just lovely...

And now that I had an extra mirror to work with, this corner of the living room, went from this...
To this...

So much better!

None of these projects were expensive or time consuming and it felt so good just to have them done.  Its so wonderful when a little, easy change makes such a big impact.

And speaking of impact, there is a big impact project going on in my front yard RIGHT NOW that I can't wait to share!!

What projects have you been putting off?

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