Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bubba Turned 1

Oh this post is so hard to write...  Last weekend my bubba turned one.  My baby puppy is all grown up...  Well not really.  He can be one as long as he continues to snuggle with me on the couch and still needs to cower beside me every time it thunders...

But in typical silly puppy mama fashion, we did have to celebrate this momentous occasion.

First up...

Oliver has a few favorite things in this world, but his most most most favorite thing ever is to chase a tennis ball.  He will wander around the yard for hours with a tennis ball in his mouth, just begging for someone to throw the damn ball.  The hard part is his balls get gross, really gross
Just for the record that ball is actually orange and blue...  I told you, gross...  So, Oliver got a chuck-it...
Now we can throw the ball all day for him and not have to touch that nasty nasty ball.

We've also declared no more stuffed things in the house, as they tend to go from fully stuffed to this in a matter of minutes.

And for reference, that dragon is labeled indestructible...  Dog toy fail.  And of course, in the process of destroying toys, we also get to clean up plenty of this...
So no fluffy babies for Oliver this year.  Instead he got this...
A bacon and mint flavored bone.  He loves it and gets very upset whenever Matilda takes it.

And to cap off a lovely birthday, the kids all got ice cream...
They sure do love ice cream...

So ends the tail of my bubba's first birthday...

Anyone else celebrate their pets birthday's in style?

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