When I found out I was knocked up, I figured that I at least ought to document my changing figure. After looking around on pinterest a bit, I found
this lovely set of photos. I liked the simplicity of staying in the same dress and watching the belly expand week by week. Turns out,
Katie Bower had the same idea!
So, Seth and I have been documenting the Belly since week 10 (when we found the heartbeat). Before I share these photos, two notes. First, I already had a pretty good gut going. I was on weight watchers and was working on losing the post-wedding weight when Baby G started growing. Dieting is a no-no during pregnancy, so the gut only stands to get bigger. Two, maternity dresses look horrid on me. As least they have so far and continue to. Please don't judge too harshly.
Week 10 |
Week 11 |
Week 13 |
Week 14 |
Week 15 |
Week 17 |
Week 18 |
Just a few updates on what is happening with Baby these days: S/he is the size of a bell pepper and is definitely moving around. Kiddo has been having a party in my uterus the last few days. Seth even felt movement last night. We go on Monday for our ultrasound, at which point we should know whether we're having a girl or boy!
And I promise a non-baby related post soon!
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